Youth Programs


The iLead curriculum is made up of values-based roundtables designed by Dr. John C. Maxwell to all ow the next generation of leaders to develop their values and leaderhsip skills. A value or leadership characteristic is paired with an image to help make the concept memroable.

The format allows students to get experience leading as they taek turns facilitatin the roundatables. Each lesson contains a short teaching on a value or leadership characteristic, askss studetns to rate how well they practice this characteristic and asks them to commit to one action step for the week that will allow them to improve their score in this area.

Values-based roundtabels have proven to be incredibly effective in the john Maxwell Leadership Foundations’ country transformation efforts. John Maxwell recognized that if we could help studetns learn and apply these same concepts, we would be able to provide a foundation that could set them, and their countyr, up for meaningful and sustanable success. iLead was birthed out of this belief.

Year 1 – iChoose connects Values & Leadership

Year 2 – iDo connects Actions & Leadership

Year 3 – iLead connects Influence & Leadership


Bullying, failure, low self-image and poor character decisions are at the heart of many of the challenges facing young people in today’s changing world. Maxwell Leadership decided to do something about it. As a Maxwell Leadership Certified Trainer, I am offering YouthMax, a youth leadership curriculum, designed to give today’s young people practical tools and ideas to help them navigate life.