Work-Life Balance Challenge
Learn how to draw boundaries between your job and your personal life.

How Does Your Job Affect Your Quality of Life?
With 24/7 access to technology, it can seem like the workday never comes to an end. Between email notifications and text messages, social media updates and phone calls from frazzled coworkers, the concept of being “off the clock” has seemed to have disappeared completely.
As our computers became small enough to take home with us in our pockets, we’ve overlooked the importance of setting boundaries and creating healthy norms for work and personal life separation. This has left us with an unhealthy work-life balance.
During our time together I will guide you through ways to set those boundaries and make the time to take care of your needs outside of work. Together, we’ll talk through self-care methods as well as ways to reach out and reconnect with people and activities that may have fallen to the wayside.
If you’re up for the challenge, sign up today! We’ll begin on Friday, November 15th.
Meet Elijah Landell, The Facilitator of the Work-Life Balance Challenge!
While pursuing my master’s degree in Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, I stepped into the profession of Personal Training. Understanding the power of goal-setting and vision-casting from my own athletic career, I was able to implement lessons learned as a coach into my personal training.
I’ve now taken 10+ years of coaching knowledge and used it to create meaningful transformation for individuals and organizations. My passion is to teach impactful principles that help people become the best they can be. I’ve used these principles to transform my own life, and I hope you’ll make the investment in yourself and your team to get to where you’ve never been as well.

Hosted by:
Rising Tide Leadership Development LLC
You Can’t Pour From An Empty Cup
When you get stuck in the routine of regularly checking your notifications, responding to emails at odd hours, and generally just letting work interrupt your life, it can be a hard habit to break.
At first, it might seem like drawing those lines between work and play could take away from your quality of work-- but that’s far from the truth! During this experience, I’ll elaborate on how taking time to care for your own needs leads to better quality work.
Finding the perfect balance of work and self-care is a lifelong pursuit. If you’re interested in adding to your quality of life while still excelling in your career, this is the perfect opportunity for you! Plus, you will have the chance to share your personal experiences and make new friends along the way.
By signing up for this resource, you will be tasked with daily challenges and engaging questions designed to get you motivated. As a group, you will be encouraged to share experiences and be an active participant in order to gain valuable information and make crucial changes to your own quality of life.
I Can’t Wait to Get Started with You on Friday, November 15th!