Let your Light Shine

August 10, 2020

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16

Uncertain times call for uncommon hope. Facing circumstances that are outside our control can be daunting, overwhelming even. The situation we find ourselves in, no matter the size, is often outside our control. Within our control is our attitude and action in which we respond.

During times of adversity, there are two predominant emotions that spread: Fear or Hope.

Fear is common because when there is uncertainty, fear wells up in most of us. If we feed that fear with thoughts of despair, we convey a sense of hopelessness. Fear begets more fear.

However, even though we face large adversities that evoke fear, our emotion does not have to dictate our action. Everyone feels fear. Everyone faces scary situations. But the emotion that automatically wells up within us doesn’t need to drive the motion we take to respond. As with many areas of life, there is a spectrum on which our responses might fall. The pessimist sees the negative. The optimist sees the positive. The leader sees how we can get to the positive in any situation.

Jonathan Sacks said,

“The difference between optimism and hope is that optimism is the belief that things will get better. Hope is the faith that together, we can make things better. You see, optimism is a passive virtue. Hope is an active virtue. It takes no courage to be an optimist. But it takes a great deal of courage to have hope.”

Let us starve the fears that we are facing as families, communities, and as a nation. Let us come together and spread hope. It’s great to be optimistic that things will get better, but let’s take the extra step and work together to prepare for better times. Be courageous! While we are forced to slow down, let us cherish the blessings we have despite our current situation. While we spend time with family, and find creative ways to stay connected to friends, let us grow through this experience. May we not be confined by the barriers that have closed in around us, currently holding many of us in our homes.

Connect with me so that we can grow together. Yes, it takes courage and will probably take some out of their comfort zone. Let’s utilize this unprecedented time to come together, encourage each other, and come out on the other side of adversity more resilient than if life had continued as normal.

Remember, life doesn’t happen to you, it happens for you. Look inside and see what this circumstance is drawing out that has been dormant within for too long.

I hope to hear from each of you to lift each other up!

God Bless

As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend. Proverbs 27:17.